Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

TQL.CronExpression timeline evaluator
A .net package to get the communications going with a HomeWizard. You can use this package to control switches/dimmers and read all the data from the HomeWizard.
Introduces the `let` class, which is capable of storing arbitrary values and properties.
LiteDB Auth implementation for ServiceStack
An extension for EasyNetQ which allows you to execute message handlers within a Polly policy.
Uma biblioteca .NET Standard (v-1.4) para busca de significados e sinônimos de palavras (somente em português). Buscas com resultados do site
Adapter for DryIoc to integrate with Mugen MVVM Toolkit
Redis cache adapter for command caching
Memory cache adapter for command caching
Caching support for command execution
LightInject IOC packge for the Exrin Xamarin MVVM framework
Newtonsoft.JSON converter making it possible to round-trip type-safe ExpandoObjects.
This .NET standard library enables access to different data sources such as Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, Twitter, Microsoft Translator, and LinkedIn. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Boilerpipe text extraction library ported to .Net Core based on rasmusjp's implementation in .NET 4.5 which you can find here
Provides basic support for item/entity models including an IIdentifed interface and some Data Annotation attributes along with interfaces for model repository support.
VDF-JSON converters for Vdf.NET.
External OAuth Provider for