Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

A collection of extension methods that I seem to keep rewriting in many of my test projects.
A library to productionize R random forests
Beggar My Neighbour Card Game Library
.NET Standard PrintNode client
Adaptation of ElasticLINQ library to target .Netstandard 1.6 and .Net 4.6 by Regulus Systems Ltd as part of the Lynicon ASP.Net Core CMS project
A plugin for the Tireless.SmtpServer.Net Server. Blocks IP addresses known by Spamhaus as spammers.
IActionResult that supports HTTP Range bytes Header.
High performance library for accepting single requests, accumulate them and process them simultaneously in a batching manner.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
This is an auto-generated Integrations client based on the swagger.json published by Visma. The version number reflects the version of the swagger file it is generated from.
Library to interact with General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) resources
A library to make it easier to leverage crypto operations inside .NET. Use it for symmetric encryption and decryption. For properly hashing passwords (and that means properly in accordance to a "Troy Hunt" standard in .NET -- NOT endorsed by him by the way). This library also brings along some basic...
.Net Standard and .Net 4.5 cross-platform smtp server. The behavior has to be adapted using plugins.
Larch is a simple structured logging framework for .net based on .net standard
TestRail integration for Storyteller
Geolocation extensions