Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

Packaging the "Microsoft.Composition.Demos.Web.Mvc" assembly for general consumption.
Contains types and methods that can be used in combination with web projects.
Simplified version of Mvc.JQuery.Datatables customized to work with Bootstrap.
Micua Core
A boilerplate template for creating NarraSparkMVC core/base projects.
A boilerplate template for creating NarraSparkMVC plugins.
A few useful classes
Dependency injector
Part of Vault libraries set designed to enhance usability of ASP.NET MVC 4. Derive from VaultController to get access to controller extensions. NOTE: This project is no longer maintained and is kept for backwards compatibility. Vault.MVC.V is actively maintained and contains most recent bug fixes.
Basic MvcStarterKit application for beginners. See for codebase.
Simplified version of Mvc.JQuery.Datatables customized to work with Bootstrap.
NDirkFramework ObjectContainers MVC4.
MVC 5 Route/URL Generation Unit Tester. This is a fork of but updated for MVC 5. Make sure to add typeof(RouteConfig) to the constructor of your RouteTester.
Extensions for MVC applications to build RSS Feeds
MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for ASP.NET MVC 4+
Extension classes for MVC applications.