Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharp.Core

Total dependencies: 2244

Kafka client for .NET written in F#
Pretty printing library. Contatins interface for migration from Text.StructuredFormat.
Gluon provides a type-safe remoting connector between an F# backend and a TypeScript client.
OAuth authorization WebParts for Suave WebApp framework
Infers.Rep provides rules for Infers to generate representations and efficient accessors for F# types based on a sum of products representation. The representations are designed to allow the implementation of efficient polytypic and datatype generic functions.
Supporting infrastructure for data-oriented and metadata-driven development
Portable HAL client for .NET. There's a CSharp version for CS.
Supporting infrastructure for data-oriented and metadata-driven development (ALPHA!)
A tiny FSharp and CSharp Rest server hosted on IIS
Infers is a library for deriving F# values from their types and, in a way, a direct application of the Curry-Howard correspondence. The idea is to view the types of F# member functions as Horn clauses. Using a Prolog-style resolution engine it is then possible to attempt to prove goals given as si...
Utils.SourceText is a library for F# that allows you to store coordinates of different parts of code on the usefull way.
FSharpx.Extras implements general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible.
An OWIN middleware to force HTTPS on requests
Semantic Version Type (SemVer 2.0.0) for .NET Framework
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
Chimayo is a library for creating and manipulating SQL Server Integration Services packages with F# code. Chimayo provides a completely different development experience for producing SSIS packages that fits with modern software development: * Write code, not a custom DSL, and benefit from refactor...
Provide a printf replacement with colors. This library provide a colorprintf function where colors can be set for a range using the syntax : $foreground;background[text] For example: colorprintf "Hello $red[%s]." "world"
A collection of utilities that encapsulate common concurrency patterns and constructs for use with the Hopac concurrency library.
F# Type Provider for Stanford NLP TokensRegex -
Semantic Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in Elm package-install (bump and diff)