Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharp.Core

Total dependencies: 2244

Testing utilities and helpers for Freya libraries, plus Freya applications
Testing utilities and helpers for Freya libraries, plus Freya applications
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP State (Cookies) specification in RFC 6265
A Freya machine expressing the core HTTP semantics and logic
The core building blocks of the Freya web stack
Core utilities and tools for building Freya machines
Utf8Json extensions for F#
Elmish for Xamarin Forms based on Elmish.WPF
Get msbuild info as cli tool
Wrapper around
NFastText is a library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification.
A Supervised Learning Library for F#
Legivel is a Yaml1.2 to Native processor, which emits Fsharp types.
A Validation library for Fable
Luis.Caller provides function to create/update/delete entities/intents, train model and get predictions from Luis app
Immutable lists (using trees internally) for F#
Types and parsers for working with the URI Template specification in RFC 6570
Arachnid Optics for access to HTTP state/cookies extension properties of requests and responses, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Arachnid Optics for access to HTTP state/cookies extension properties of requests and responses