Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharp.Core

Total dependencies: 2244

A pluggable healthcheck endpoint for the Suave functional web server.
Exira.StaticMailer is a REST endpoint running in a Windows Service to enable static sites to easily send mail
Hyperboliq.PostgreSQL - Hyperboliq adapter for PostgreSQL
Hyperboliq.SqlLite- Hyperboliq adapter for SqlLite
A test framework for F#
Exira.EventStore.Runner is a wrapper that uses Topshelf to run EventStore as a Windows Service
Exira.Route53Updater is a console application which updates a Route 53 record with the current EC2 hostname
.NET ORM, primarily for F#
Exira.CsrfValidation.Owin is an OWIN middleware to prevent CSRF attacks by validating HTTP Headers and Cookies
Shaver is lightweight F# library for web server built on the top of the Razor Engine and provides some extra features like template composing, setting custom return codes, localization resources support or server thread auto-localization by client Accept-Language header.
JSON mapper for FSharp.Data
EventStore.Client.FSharp is a NuGet that adds a F#-ideomatic interface on top of EventStore
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization library that supports creating charts using Google Charts and Plotly. The library provides a composable domain specific language for building charts and specifying their properties.
An automatic query optimizer for LINQ to Objects and PLINQ. LinqOptimizer compiles declarative LINQ queries into fast loop-based imperative code. The compiled code has fewer virtual calls, better data locality and speedups of up to 15x.
Actor-based library to help you push data data into Amazon Kinesis stream and manage the sharding level of your stream: - auto-split shards based on rate of throttled calls - send data in blocking or background mode - use high-water marks to manage the size of the backlog when running in background ...
Can apply visitor pattern with minimum coding for FSharp.Compiler.Service's untyped ASTs.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.