Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

Common.Logging adapter for logging to multiple target logging frameworks at once.
Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 4.4.3 logging framework.
Async named pipe wrapper with structured message support.
Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 2.0 logging framework.
A portable set of .Net abstractions centered around RFC 5322 (Internet Message Format)
The tcp implementation of the Anjril Studio network layer.
Lightweight .Net Scheduler
Fork from Airbrake Notifier for .NET (
Common.Logging exception handling for WebApi2
Provides locale content for internationalisation (i18n) software using the Unicode Common Local Data Repository (CLDR). This is DEPRECATED! It is now part of the Sepia project. Please use
Help for deploy application
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer.
Contract (duplicate) bridge model for .Net
Entity Framework extensions
A collection of EF contributions for .NET Entity Framework 6.
MMBot package for executing powershell commands from scripts
Call Recording and Stubbing or Playback Core functionality
WkHtmlToXSharp's Linux32 Bits natible library bundle.
Log Performance in a Using Block with Common.Logging
Logs the execution time for blocks of code