Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

A light weight framework that provides implementations of commonly used design patterns for applications using a Domain Driven Design approach.
Airbrake Notifier for .NET
An Short Message Service Protocol (SMS/SMPP) library.
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Spring. Don't forget to install Agatha-ServiceLayer-Spring as well for the server-side bits
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for Spring.
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for StructureMap.
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for Unity.
Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 1.2.9 logging framework.
Erlang.NET is an implementation of an Erlang node in C# which was manually translated and ported from the counterpart in Java, jinterface.
A small collection of useful extension methods, utilities & helper classes.
This configuration library is intended to give .NET Developers a simple, extendable, scaleable, fast, type safe possibility to configure all kind of .NET applications. This package supports the boo (DslConfig.Boo) and C# (DslConfig.CSharp) configuration language.
Jamaa SMPP Client is a .NET implementation of the SMPP protocol that focuses on providing an easy-to-use and robust SMPP client library for .NET developers.
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Allows Common.Logging to write messages to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
.NET client library for OPC DA versions 1.0, 2.05A, 3.0. 修补.NetCore 订阅失效
Extension to SlimMessageBus that routes serialization to the respective serialization plugin based on message type.
.NET client library for OPC DA versions 1.0, 2.05A, 3.0.
Adjust token privileges of a Win32 process.