Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Unity

Total dependencies: 726

Unity support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Acyclic Visitor implementation using Micrososft Unity Container
Common facades for Logging, Configuration, Caching, etc.
Apworks object container implementation of Microsoft Patterns & Practices Unity Application Block.
Unity implementation for the Waffle.
ServiceStack.ContainerAdapter.Unity is a library that enables the Microsoft Unity framework to be used as the ServiceStack Inversion Of Control (IoC) provider.
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Unity. Don't forget to install Agatha-ServiceLayer-Unity as well for the server-side bits
Provides a ControllerFactory to work with ASP.NET MVC 3 + Unity. It also provides some LifetimeManagers.
Library for configuring the Unity IoC container using conventions with a fluent syntax
Addition of Type Tracking functionality, and some helper extension methods to Unity Inversion of Control Container.
Web library for building composite MVC Web Applications. This library is based on the patterns & practices Web Client Developer Guidance.
A NCommon container adapter for Unity
Using Unity to inject various settings from Azure Configuration file
Unity extension to add IoC support to Workflow Foundation