Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Unity

Total dependencies: 726

A tiny testing library for your Unity container.
A chill container that uses unity as a dependency injection container
Contains attributes, helpers and extensions which useful for developing any software project
Contains infrastructure for implementation module structure of application
Allows types registration in Unity IoC container using naming conventions.
Unity-specific implementation for mediator pattern.
UnityRegistrationValidator is a simple Microsoft Unity Extension which allows to verify setup for ContainerControlledLifetimeManager dependencies.
Unity Middleware that adds a container to the app builder properties
A feature flipping system with Unity.
NContext application component for Unity.
It is very light weight Dependency Resolver based on patterns & practices - Unity. It can resolve both MVC Controller and WebApi Controller.
The Unity Auto Moq container allows developers to write maintainable Unit Tests in a productive manner.
FeatureSwitch IoC container support for Unity
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Unity
The Composite Webrole
The Drill.DrillBits.Unity package contains the Drill.DrillBits.Unity assembly which is used to integrate Microsoft's Unity DI container into Drill as a DrillBit component.
An adapter to implement DContainer on top of Unity