Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Unity

Total dependencies: 726

Software Development Framework that takes some concepts from CQRS and DDD and allows for a very streamlined version of those concepts
AutoMoq built for Unity5
Unity integration for AppFunc
Dependency Resolver for WebApi
Unity implementation for the Command Processor.
Typescript Code Dom provider to generate typescript code from .Net Code compile units
Generic Repository Pattern and Unit of Work Pattern for EntityFramework
A unity implementation of the Handsey IocContainer
Unity implementation of IDependencyContainer.
Send mail using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Connect database using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Integrates CommonProvider to the Unity Ioc for resolving dependencies.
Typescript Code Dom provider to generate typescript code from .Net Code compile units
Unity integration for CoreApp
A plugin for Glimpse to show Unity registrations.
Nice Extensions for .Net developers - ClassMapping - Check routines - and much more
Integration between AutoMapper and Unity DI
Хелпер для авторегистрации репозиториев библиотеки Rikrop.Core.Data.
Unity.Wcf is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with WCF. This project includes a bespoke InstanceProvider that creates a child container per client connection and disposes of all registered IDisposable instances once the connection is terminated.