Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Extension methods to use with WrikeClient which are not provided in Taviloglu.Wrike.ApiClient
A .NET library that implements most of API features. GitHub repo at
tiv.elastic compiled by autobuild on 2/20/2018 5:04:09 PM
sendwithus client (netstandard)
trackItsValue Elastic REST API Client Library
Strato API
Strato Bloc API
.NET Core Wrapper Library For REST Country API v2.0.5 provided by . REST countries API, includes information like common Name, official Name, TLD,two and three letter country code, ISO numeric code, CIOC, currencies, callingCodes, capital, alternative spellings, region, sub...
.NET Conversation modelling library for building bots with Bot Builder SDK V4.
LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .Net and Mono. Updated to use libssh2
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
AutoProc is a lightweight Asp.Net Core 2 middleware package which makes it easy to create a backend by exposing your stored procedures as an API.
Api to control Yeelight bulbs with C#.NET
Arcgis JS API (arcgis-js-api) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Testingbot API (testingbot-api) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.