Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


webapi,coreapi 二次开发框架,可根据需要自动输出XML,JSON,HTML等,具备上传下载接口,所有异常重定向处理并直接输出JSON,而非HTTP错误。具备接口流量处理,敏感词处理、认证处理
Alpha version of Codemander API Client. In development. Codemander IDE will be released in 2022.
A comprehensive library to interact with Cylance REST and other APIs
Amadeus CSharp SDK - C# library for the Amadeus Self-Service travel APIs Amadeus provides a set of APIs for the travel industry. Flights, Hotels, Locations and more.
Simple CLR-to-GraphQL mapper
A Global Exception Handler Middleware, allowing developers to create one or more exception handlers (intercepts).
V-RPC is a GTAV multiplayer framework to allow synchronized procedure calls
Custom default configurations for WebApi
Akinator API written for UWP .Net Core
Klientbibliotek for integrasjon mot Digipost REST-API.
Simple client for request webapi in VB
The Umbraco Content Api is a package that enables easy integration of Headless Api functionality into your project.
An asynchronous wrapper for the API.
A C# binding for the LightwaveRF LinkPlus API
Library for executing GraphQL queries via GraphLinqQL. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
SDK for use with the CM EmailCampaigns API.