Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Helpful extensions to AutoFixture.Xunit to handle some F#-specific types when supplying auto-data in test functions.
FSec is a tool for automatically running FsCheck security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
FSec is a tool for automatically running API security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
A C#/ASP.NET Core Web Application used to write test automation with NUnit.
Test framework using xUnit, AutoFixture and Moq for creating tests in declarative way for easy maintanence.
IcuBlazor: Tools and components for Blazor development and testing
Provides an Xunit test framework allowing you to run integration tests against local ephemeral Elasticsearch clusters
Global tool to assist with the development with UnderTest.
The Silverlight 5 Toolkit MSTest testing support package. Contains all the assemblies required to do unit testing for your Silverlight project. Packaged by Singulink ( as apparently no more love is being shown by Microsoft for Silverlight :(
FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible. This library is for the .NET platform implementing a WMI type provider.
RSpec style BDD framework for Powershell. A cross between Pester, RSpec and Jasmine.
Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework.
rmocks is a JavaScript mocking framework designed especially for developers familiar with the Rhino Mocks .NET unit testing framework.
An IO abstraction that facilitates unit testing IO bound systems. Currently provides a file system abstraction layer only. Future versions may extend this to provide IFileSystem implementations for FTP, WebDAV and compressed archives. May also be extended to cover more IO scenarios other than dis...
Client library for the slick test management web application.
This is a .NET library that generates sets of test cases, for use by parameterised tests. Think of it as being a DSL for making 'object mothers', whose generated data can be used as test cases (or for any other purpose, for that matter). Each test case is built up progressively from smalle...
Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette.
For a full description and getting started guide, please visit
Library of helpers for testing using the Moq mocking framework