Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

An IClock interface and default implementation SystemClock to make time-based logic testable.
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Clock
Plasma provides web automation and testing capabilities to ASP.NET projects.
Auto mocking of test method parameters with xUnit and Moq. Similar to Jukito for Java, see Check out the project site for some usage examples.
Community extensions for NUnit
Fluent API for asserting HTTP message exchanges (currently under active development).
Provides a standard test suite to verify the behaviour of Cavity Repository implementations.
Provides functionality for simplified IO operations: * abstraction layer for all file system operations to enable TDD on file system * recursive file system commandos (move, copy, ...) * folder watcher that fires events when folder content changes * Stream decorators/interceptors ...
Provides functionality to simplify unit testing and TDD: * Temporary File Holder (automatically delete files on disposing) * Event Tester (check that objects fired events) bbv.Common.TestUtilities is a part of bbv.Common, a library of .NET components and functionality including: * (a)...
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written in Razor
Extends ESWAT with web automation capabilities using WebDriver
Extends ESWAT with web automation capabilities for Razor
Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written in IronPython
Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written in IronRuby