Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

MSTest implementation of SparkyTestHelpers.Scenarios
Helpers for testing code that uses ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
$ dotnet new -i Paulovich.Manga $ dotnet new manga It creates a .NET Solution with a layered backend (Domain - Application - Infrastructure - WebApi) with the Clean Architecture Style.
Yet another mock library for F#
This package allows you to monkey-test your functions, by providing wide-ranging values for function arguments (Null, Default, Min, Max, Random). It lets you use all combinations of these values for your tests as well.
Nethereum / Ethereum Smart Contract Integration testing
Create multiple pages with realistic test content by just using the Umbraco interface
A collection of assertions, tailored for Tiger libraries.
Basic Framework for creating integration tests of Rest API services with Restsharp.
.NET Unit test helpers for asserting that ASP.NET MVC Core controller / Razor Page actions return expected results
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are simple to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc 3-5, or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging - Mix & match with your ...
Helper for unit tests. Mimics the Assert class, but will display the tested expression in error messages, instead of being vague about it or laborious to program. It also offers methods to evaluate if the right exception goes off in the right spot with the right exception type and / or the right mes...
Classes to randomly generate data for unit tests. Powered by AutoFixture.
Configurators to randomly generate Akka.NET classes
Extension methods for setupping mock values of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration.
Includes helpers for the Test Platform's modern functionality such as standardized fully qualified names and hierarchical test case names.
Adds NUnit support to SharpDomain based application
Testing helpers
The Coyote systematic testing engine.