Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
Provide a temporary directory and deploy files from Assembly Resources or Network Share with automatic cleanup after each test. Improved for parallel integration tests.
Fork of SpecsFor.Mvc project. It is fixed to work with Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6
Utilities for Autofixture and xUnit
Utilities for Autofixture, Xunit and AutoMapper
Collection of various katas to practice Test Driven Development.
A library to allow faking of client http logic with System.Net.Http. Supports recording and playback of responses. Particularly useful for separating client-side unit tests from web services.
Test base class and utility methods.
TypeRegistry for DynamicSpecs, based on AutoFac and FakeItEasy
A ApprovalTests.Net reporter and approver to be used to unit test Neo4j with the Neo4jClient .net client
A test framework for F#
SlimerJS is similar to PhantomJs, except that it runs on top of Gecko, the browser engine of Mozilla Firefox (specifically, version 31), instead of Webkit
TripleA.StoryQ contains extensions to integrate TripleA based tests into the StoryQ BDD framework.
Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette.
Test helpers for domain and WCF.
Beanoh.NET is a simple open source way to verify you Spring context. Teams that leverage Beanoh spend less time focusing on configuring Spring and more time adding business value
This package provides just NUnit (v2.6.4) console and gui runners (no x86) for .NET 4. It is a modification of the package NUnit.Runners. DO NOT INSTALL using Visual Studio package manager (not even the console). DO INSTALL with nuget command line: "nuget.exe install nunit.runners.lite -Output...
TripleA is an extensible framework for building components for use in test frameworks to target system and deployment verification.
StatLight: Tool for executing Silverlight test xap packages or dll assemblies locally during development and in a continuous integration environment.