Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

A C# Client for the MockServer Docker Image
A named-argument helper wrapper for unit tests with Xunit
A named-argument helper wrapper for unit tests with NUnit
Test framework extension with XUnit for Test.It
Tests library for Bot Framework dialogs XUnit tests
Aurochses.Xunit is a library for creating xUnit tests.
The purpose of this project is to allow that Autofixture to create your Akka.Net actors in your tests with Xunit2.
Common helpers for testing add-ins based on Cake.Issues
Utilities to streamline unit testing in Dynamics CRM 365 by faking the IOrganizationService against an In-Memory context which runs blazing fast.
Report Portal NUnit2 agent
Provides reflection based helpers for testing purposes. Provides: ObjectBuilder ObjectComparer ObjectFiller ObjectTester AssemblyExtensions TypeExtensions InstanceExtensions ListExtensions
Provides contract checkers for different common interfaces. Ensure that interface is really well implemented. Provides: CollectionChecker (for ICollection) EnumerableChecker (for IEnumerable) EquatableChecker (for IEquatable) SetChecker (for ISet) HashSetChecker (for IHashSet) IShallowCl...
Persimmon.Unquote is a fork of Unquote for Persimmon.
The console runner of Carna testing and specification framework for .NET Platform.
Cross-platform performance benchmarking and testing framework for .NET applications.
Wrapper classes for System and System.IO for making unit testing easier