Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

The library for writing tests in BDD and AAA styles
Lib that provides functionality for Azure DevOps TestPlan and test automation
A fluent, portable, testable HTTP client library.
Additional Resources that helps / supports integration testing on a kubernetes operator written with the KubeOps operator sdk.
A minimalistic .NET library for testing with mocks.
Library to help simplify unit testing code which uses the .NET HttpClient
Transforms a v2 XML test results file into a JUnit test results file.
A dotnet CLI tool for running tests in multiple projects
Dotnet tools for working with xBDD.
With t-rex, you can explore the results of your most recent test run. It discovers, parses, and displays the contents of .trx files.
This is an extension of Smocks for mocking Generic methods in external libraries. It is a forked git library from "feng3245/Smocks". Smocks is a library for mocking the normally unmockable. It can mock static and non-virtual methods and properties, amongst others. Change Log 0.7.5-beta2 Updated ...
STA Extensions for the Microsoft Test Framework - MSTest V2
A lightweight http server for mocking web services and REST resources
Nilgiri is some sort of black tea but it was the only one that started with 'n'... I really liked the BDD Assertion Styles ( in Chai.js when I dabbled in Node. Why not bring them to .NET? Full examples can be found at
Testing helpers using Moq
Fable bindings for Jest
Gravity API Standalone Server (SOAP and WebApi) for in-project implementation
Extension methods for accessing private fields / properties for unit test projects. Supported platform: - .NET Framework 4.0+ - .NET Core 2.0+
Dotnet test on steroids - discovers testable projects, executes tests with code coverage, merges results of all test projects into one coverage result and generates reports