Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

A simple About window that follows the MVVM pattern for use in WPF applications target .NET Core 3.1.
WPF implementation of the platform-independent abstractions defined in the softaware.ViewPort library.
UWP implementation of the platform-independent abstractions defined in the softaware.ViewPort library.
Core of haka's packages for Xamarin.Forms
Helper for auto implementing the NinjaMvvm.Xam dependencies using Unity
Package Description
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
Implementation of CQELight MVVM abstractions based on Xamarin Forms
Package Description
Package Description
A small helper Library to use with MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit, it allows displaying some common dialogs and returning a result similar to the old fashioned MessageBox class in WinForms.
Package Description
A super light-weight view model locator for Xamarin.Forms applications
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
Simple and fast package for MVVM basics. ViewModelBase, OnPropertyChanger, RelayCommand, AsyncCommand, RangeObservableCollection, etc
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.
Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.