Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages

This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Repository component. It is provided in a different package for those looking to break their repository out from their SQL implementation classes.
This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Repository component. It is provided in a different package for those looking to break their repository out from their SQL implementation classes.
OBSOLETE! Use Install-Package Moqqer
Lightweight implementation of Repository Pattern based on Dapper ORM. This implementation supports CRUD operations via auto-generated plain SQL
Profiling: a single test, stress test profiling in a number of threads using a random sequence. Repository test.
A generic repository pattern for use with EntityFramework. This library also supports accessing multiple DB context in the same project.
Pooka.Repo A simple CQRS repository
Repository implementation around entity framework
Fast Object Relational Translation Engine
Generic Repository for MVC 5 and EntityFramework 6.1 with built-in security logging.
This package is contains Entity framework base context, fake context, Repository and Unit of Work framework
Library that assists in using ADO.NET and Entity Framework in the same work unit.
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
DCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
The in-memory implementation for the generic repository.
Toolkit with classes I collected over time and use, contains: - the repository pattern with specifications and fetch strategy - unit of work - data object projection with linq - data mapping