Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Package Description
An assembly for extending ILogger activities.
Configuration extensions.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia logging
Small and simple library that provides a common interface for logging.
A Log4Net implementation of the logging abstraction
Logging providers (AzureTable)
SQL store and trace listener for PugTrace.
An persistence provider for Elmah using Shaolinq
Integrate Castle core logging to owin.
Contains the various types and attributes necessary to create extensions for Loupe Desktop and Server. This assembly is not used when collecting information within your application, to customize data collection see the Loupe Agent.
ELK for log4net 1.2.10
ELK for NLog
Simple logging abstraction
Sitecore Diagnostics Tool Logging provider for log4net
Very simple logging library for C#
C# utility components - DGML, Graphs, Argument Parser (Console), Logging, T4 Templates Base, Process helper
Simple, header only, no dependency, cross platform logging library with an emphasis on being clean and easy to use. Supports console and file logging.