Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

Ocura Helper is a collections of utility classes and extension methods for dotnet. It includes code to help with tasks including functions and utilities to compare, convert, datetime, enum, linq, math, null and string.
Enables the efficient, dynamic composition of query predicates linq expressions supporting the logical operators: AND, OR, NOT. It can be used with any kind of entity that need to be queried by a linq expression.
Enables you to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 sources just like SQL tables. Just specify your credentials and access data from any Dynamics 365 source.
Extension methods for object-object or dictionary-object or datatable-object mapping, single item mapping use [ item.Apply(()=>new { .. }); ],multiple array items mapping use [ items.Apply(a=>new { .. }); ]. Extension methods for SQL Window Function in Linq, use [ items.GroupBy(a =>...).AsPartition(...
Linq provider for Salesforce SOQL REST API
Linq provider for Salesforce SOQL REST API
The ExcelProvider loads an Excel worksheet or CSV file and provides column definition and row collections. All collections are IEnumerable so you can query them with LINQ. The ExcelProvider supports XLSX (Excel 2007-2016, v12-v16), XLS (Excel 97-2003, v8-v11) and CSV (comma, semicolumn or tab delimi...
Abstract Language Integrated Query for .Net
Adaptation of ElasticLINQ library to target .Netstandard 1.6 and .Net 4.6 by Regulus Systems Ltd as part of the Lynicon ASP.Net Core CMS project
Easily generate ad-hoc SQL code using LINQ in a strongly typed manner that allows for compile time validation of you sql scripts.
Linq extensions used on Tempus Digital's projects.
Some helpful extensions for LINQ
ExtraLINQ provides additional extension methods for working with .NET collections.
create anonymous IComparer/IEqualityComparer by lambda expression and extensions for Linq standard query operator's IComparer/IEqualityComparer overload.
Scraping Framework containing : - a web client able to simulate a web browser. - an HtmlAgilityPack extension to select elements using css selector (like JQuery)
Provides unit tests for DynamicXml package.
The .NET Micro Framework has a very small selection of rich storage types. This project provides additional collection types with different features.
Allows combining linq expressions using logic operators And, AndAlso, Or and OrElse. Compatible with Entity Framework, NHibernate and Linq to SQL query providers. See for more information.
xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionCombiner
Hate checking for nulls in Linq queries? Turn any null enumerable into an empty one as needed! var id = schema.Elements.EmptyIfNull().FirstOrDefault(x => x == "Id")