Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Simple library for F#
Minimal template for using Fable 2.1
dotnet-properties is a .NET Core global tool which allows to edit project properties using a cross-platform UI.
Type providers for generating types and service interfaces for XRoad producers.
Fast Lightweight eXtensible BLog Engine
FsControl is an overload library for F#.
ExtCore provides extensions to the F# core library (FSharp.Core) and aims to help you build industrial-strength F# applications. These extensions include additional functions for modules such as Array, List, Set, and Map; immutable IntSet, IntMap, LazyList, and Queue collections; a variety of comput...
An F# to JavaScript compiler.
Simple elmish application using React as a renderer
YaccConstructor tool set
Fable bindings for Jest
Package Description
Optics for F#
A quotations evaluator for F# based on LINQ expression tree compilation. Some constructs are not supported and performance may be slower than F# compiled code. Based on the old F# 2.0 PowerPack code.
JSON mapper for FSharp.Data
This library provides a set of custom attributes for C# to make it easier for you to capture and log exceptions and slow execution times to Sentry.
EventStore.Client.FSharp is a NuGet that adds a F#-ideomatic interface on top of EventStore
A helper library with some F# functions.
XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization library that supports creating charts using Google Charts and Plotly. The library provides a composable domain specific language for building charts and specifying their properties.
A library for managing xmpp messages in various back-ends.