Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Templates for Freya on .NET Core
FsLab is a single package that gives you all you need for doing data science with F#. FsLab includes explorative data manipulation library, type providers for easy data access, simple charting library, support for integration with R and numerical computing libraries. All available in a single packag...
FAKE task to run FSharpLint.
The F# Charting Gtk library (FSharp.Charting.Gtk.dll) is a cross-platform variation of of FSharp.Charting. It can be used on Windows, OSX and other platforms supporting Gtk. See also th library for cross-platform charting.
Graphs for F#
Library providing MVVM and INotifyPropertyChanged support for F# projects
This package contains a library for turning FsLab experiments written as script files into HTML and LaTeX reports. The easiest way to use the library is to use the 'FsLab Journal' Visual Studio template.
Set of extensions to the Akka.NET F# API that are not available in the standard library. This includes actor lifecycle managment and stateful actors.
Script helper for Persimmon
Persimmon.Dried is a random testing library for Persimmon.
Persimmon.Dried.Ext is Persimmon.Dried extensions for C#.
A MySQL backend for Yaaf.MessageArchiveManager.
SQL backend for Yaaf.MessageArchiveManager.
A MySQL backend for Yaaf.Xmpp.IM.
A SQL (MSSQL) backend for Yaaf.Xmpp.IM.
Movere is an implementation of managed dialogs for Avalonia.
Cross-platform F# browser library
Provides adaptations to use SqlFun with ODP.NET.
An F#-idiomatic Library for Elasticsearch, including an F# DSL representation of the Elasticsearch Query Model, and F# modules for searching and indexing documents as well as creating and maintaining indexes.