Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Lightweight F# extension for StackOverflow Dapper with support for MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite
Statistical computations in F# using the Microsoft Solver Foundation
Deedle implements an efficient and robust frame and series data structures for manipulating with structured data. It supports handling of missing values, aggregations, grouping, joining, statistical functions and more. For frames and series with ordered indices (such as time series), automatic align...
Advanced testing library for F#
option & chooseSeq computational expressions that work with Null/Option/Nullable
Simple ormapper
F# gRPC client meta-package
F# gRPC client meta-package
F# gRPC meta-package for ASP.NET Core
Fable bindings for Facebook's recoil.
Elmish.Bridge adapter to enable use in Feliz.Recoil.
Lightweight F# wrapper for Confluent.Kafka
Web workers in Fable made easy, exposed as React hooks and Elmish commands.
Composable high performance event sourcing componentry
Lavalink implementation for DSharpPlus. Lavalink is an easy and lightweight method of streaming audio to Discord.
Low level .NET wrapper for OpenCL.
Package Description
Template for SAFEr Web App
FSharpx.Collections is a collection of datastructures for use with F# and C#.
The FSharp.Configuration project contains type providers for the configuration of .NET projects.