Top 20 NuGet Dapper Packages

CatFactory Package to scaffold Dapper
This .NET library simplifies data mocking for UnitTests, to avoid a connection to a relational database. DbMocker use the standard Microsoft .NET DbConnection object. So, you can mock any toolkit, including EntityFramework, Dapper or ADO.NET; And for all database servers (SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite)...
Simple Get, GetList, GetListPaged, Insert, Update, Delete, DeleteList, and RecordCount extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for attribute free classes but can be overridden as needed. By default uses Id column as the primary key but this can be overridden with an attribute By default qu...
The official collection of get, insert, update and delete helpers for Also handles lists of entities and optional "dirty" tracking of interface-based entities.
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extension Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Application. ForExample : Implementation Of DapperExtensionMethods, ExecuteSp, ExecuteQuery, ExecuteQueryCommand ...
Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper
基于Dapper二次封装的ORM,支持原生SQL CRUD和Linq CRUD
LambdicSql's purpose is to generate sql text and parameters from lambda.Generate sql text and parameters by LambdicSql.And execut and map to object, recommend using dapper or sqlite-net-pcl. Target frameworks are .netframework3.5~, pcl, .netstandard1.2~.
IDbTransaction extension methods for Dapper: A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
Dapper Query Builder using Fluent API and String Interpolation
A small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs. For more advanced querying scenarios, Dapper Extensions provides a predicate system.
Extension handlers for entity framework
Simplifies the use of Qb.Net with Dapper
Abstract and base classes for Postulate ORM
An ORM Library Based on dapper.
Auth,Entity,Extention,Helper,Mvc,Log,Infrastructure,Specifications,Dapper,ModBus,PLC,Socket,Tencent,Weixin等DotNet Core基础类大全
A Dapper extension that was inspired by Dapper.SimpleCRUD, Dapper-Plus, and more.
A Dapper extension that was inspired by Dapper.SimpleCRUD, Dapper-Plus, and more.
Package Description