Top 20 NuGet Dapper Packages

SmartSql ZooKeeper 分布式配置文件加载器
Dapper extension with simple crud methods.
Acesse mais de um tipo de banco de dados de forma fácil via ADO.NET. Atualmente dando suporte aos bancos. - SqlServer - MySql - Firebird É possível implementar outros bancos de dados de forma fácil!
Generic Repositories and utilities for Dapper
Generic Repositories and utilities for EntitiyFramework+Dapper
Dapper Core Attribute Mapping
A library to facilitate some database interactions that we need to perform in our applications.
Provides very simple CRUD operation using Dapper.
Sql executor for Storm using Sam Saffron's Dapper
AdoManager is a .NET project for managing SQL Connection Strings and Ado.NET executions. Read connection strings from setting file as normal or encrypted mode, automatically. Share connections in environs of all projects as static. You can use Dapper ORM in DataAccessObject. ...
A ZeroMQ Log module for the Nyan data service stack
A WebApi REST module for the Nyan data service stack
This is a fork by Claudio Barca of original code Dapper.SimpleCRUD written by Eric Coffman. This patch was required to insert tables with primary key named as "Id" but NOT autoincrement value. Simple Get, GetList, Insert, Update, and Delete extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for a...
Core module for the Nyan data service stack
A Redis cache module for the Nyan data service stack