Top 20 NuGet yandex Packages
.Net Sdk was created to simplify applications development based on public Api of Yandex.Money
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Yandex's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Yandex's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Allows you to perform user authentication via DigitalOcean, Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, MailRu, Odnoklassniki, Salesforce, Twitter, VK (Vkontakte), Windows Live, Yandex just in two method calls.
C# wrapper for Yandex DNS API
Yandex.Geocoder API client for C# / .NET
Search Results via SERP API. Hash, JSON, and HTML format supported for Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Ebay, Google Product, Youtube, Wallmart and more...
Yandex.Geocoder API client for C# / .NET forked by Marat Fakhrutdinov
Translates using Yandex Translate Api, requires an api key. Fork it on GitHub:
Yandex, Gmail and Custom Smpt Mail Helper
AppMetrica — это бесплатный инструмент для трекинга и аналитики вашего приложения. Отчёты по источникам трафика, ключевым показателям мобильного приложения, аудитории, сценариям использования, а также статистика по крэшам — всё это в одном SDK для всех популярных платформ.
This is realization of Yandex Geocoder Api. You can get point by address and address by geo coordinates.
.NET C# wrapper for Yandex.Translate
Xamarin Yandex Maps Android
Package Description
RSS generator for the Yandex turbo pages.
SDK for Yandex Alice skills development
Client for