Top 20 NuGet yaml Packages

Epicycle .NET commons library. Contains various utilities, file system abstraction, reporting and more. Used by other Epicycle packages. * Details & release notes: * Sources:
This package contains core components for Encel. If you are installing Encel for the first time, please look at the package called "Encel" instead. Encel is a lightweight flat-file CMS that let's you create web pages using Markdown and Shortcodes.
Yaml Serializer for EasyDocDb - stores documents as Yaml files.
MediaTypeFormatter allowing the use of YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) as a the MIME-Type or content-type in ASP.NET Web API. Both serialization and deserialization are supported allowing web services to both emit and accept YAML in place of XML or JSON. The underlying YAML parsing and rendering...
Yaml Serializer for EasyDocDb - stores documents as Yaml files.
Stubborn YAML serializer
A C# .NET Class Library containing an IConfigurationSource for Yaml files.
Encel is a lightweight flat-file CMS that let's you create web pages using Markdown and Shortcodes. This package needs to be installed in a web project.
This adds support for logging using NLog in Encel. After installing this package you need to configure Encel to use the NLogFactory in EncelConfig.cs. config.UseLogger(new NLogFactory()); Encel is a lightweight flat-file CMS that let's you create web pages using Markdown and Shortcodes...
Contains serializer/deserializer for YAML based configurations.
A .NET configuration library to simplify application configuration
Legivel is a Yaml1.2 to Native processor, which emits Fsharp types.
A YAML deserializer. Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
A YAML portable .NET library. providing parsing and serialization of object graphs, compatible with CoreCLR. This package is also used by WaveEngine to provide its custom YAML serialization.
Serializer for CSharp,
Yaml and Lua based C# game engine for building room based RPGs with rich dialogue
Cake Build addon for YAML Serialization.
Easy to use tool to config transformations for JSON, XML and YAML.
An owin middleware for swagger documentation using swagger specification (Json/Yaml) with custom UI.