Top 20 NuGet xunit Packages

Provides xUnit extensions for JSON files or data.
Category Trait helper library for xUnit 2 tests (e.g. UnitTestAttribute)
Capture serilog log events to xUnit output
Extends xUnit to simplify logging.
**This package is a fork from** This is a Standard2.0 version of the package Xunit.Repeat. Repeat attribute to use with Xunit
A few functions wrapping stuff from xUnit for convenience in F#
Xunit.DependencyInjection project template
Create beautiful reports from your tests.
A simple TCP/UDP server for using in test projects which test .net core based projects.
Extension to XUnit that allows you to resolve test classes out of a dependency injection container.
Should extensions for the XUnit framework
The base class TestFixture provides a registry for test features which are automatically disposed after each test case.
Implementation of ITestCaseOrderer to enforcing xUnit to run the facts in strict order
Platform agnostic unit test runner
This xUnit fixture will start up a dockerised application and allow you to run integration tests against it.
DotNet port of
DotNet port of
XUnit results reporter to