Top 20 NuGet xunit Packages

Extensions and utility code for testing ASP.NET Core web applications using Xunit
Microsoft.Extension.Logging.ILogger implementation for xunit
[DEPRECATED] Use Install-Package Ocaramba.Features Install-Package Ocaramba.MsTest Install-Package Ocaramba.NUnit Install-Package Ocaramba.xUnit instead
xUnit Extension for the C# Version of ArchUnit (see:
FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax to xUnit.
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use FakeItEasy. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
TestFountain is a set of addons/extensions for to help with things like data generation.
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
Build Selenium web automation test using advanced web controls with wrappers and plenty of extensions to fasten your automation development time. Focus more on script logic with better consistent script execution, less maintenance, no hardwaits, with improved script execution performance and integra...
xUnit runner utilities for Revit 2021
xUnit runner utilities for Revit 2020
xUnit runner utilities for Revit 2019
Package Description
Package Description
Includes support for running v2 tests on iOS, Android, and UWP devices
Allows NBench tests to be discovered, executed, reported, and debugged using xUnit in ReSharper, and Visual Studio Test Explorer. Please refer to the project Url for usage information:
Run XUnit tests in a remote process
A Dapplo.Log XUnit logger
A Serilog sink that writes log events to the Xunit test output (for netcore2.0+).