Top 20 NuGet xaml Packages

Multi-binding for XAML
XamlWatcher WPF
A WPF control that dynamically renders its content from a XAML string.
This package contains a set of helper classes for WPF, XAML, and Mono applications that use the MVVM pattern.
Enables basic C# animation of XAML controls
Attached behaviour for selecting all text when a given text box is focused
This Package contains a extensible Map Control for WinRT (Windows 8.1 / Windows 8.1 Phone) Supported Maps: - OpenStreetMap
Blendrocks UI Toolkit for Windows Phone 8.1
The Cross-platform XAML Framework
Extension methods: DependencyObject.GetAncestors<T>() - finds all children of a specific type DependencyObject.GetParent<T>() - finds the first parent of a specific type Converters: CountToVisibilityConverter - converts the count of an enumerable property to Visibility DateTimeToDateTimeOffsetConv...
Contiene xaml extensions para renderizar iconos vectoriales de font awesome a partir del text unicode del caracter. Tomado desde:
Converts true to Visible, false to Collapsed, and null to Hidden
The main purpose of Curanza is to simplify the development of a UWP app for any supported platform. Today a modern app is developed using MVVM pattern, and Curanza helps you to successfully apply this pattern. Using Curanza, for example, you can bind a RelayCommand (and optionally his parameter) to ...
Simple non-bloated MVVM Framework.
Generic Pull Down to Refresh implementation for UWP.
Integrate the OneDrive API into your .NET App!
Set of classes for easy and powerful implementation / use of INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged based objects.
Add PullToRefresh behavior to ListView, GridView and more controls with ScrollViewer.
This is a modified version of MahApps.Metro specifically for Explore10
Universal Windows Platform Control and Utility library DEPRECATED This package is not supported anymore. All Controlls and Utilites have been moved to the official UWP Community Toolkit ( Please use it instead.