Top 20 NuGet xaml Packages

A library for easy initialization of SharpDX device/context on C#/XAML projects. Supports Windows Phone Silverlight, Windows Store and Universal projects.
Calendar control for Windows Phone 8.1 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
Calendar control for Windows 8.1 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. It's Portable Class Library. This package supports 3 engines - CocosSharp, FNA, MonoGame.
A WPF friendly port of the tango icon theme. Scalable SVG icons have been converted into XAML. Icons are embedded as the optimized BAML format, resulting in faster loading and a much smaller file size (about 1/2 of raw XAML, and 1/3 of raw SVG). The "LazyConverter" class does lazy intialization and ...
XamlTune has two main goals: 1 - A svg to xaml conversion library. 2 - A xaml formatter that cleans and refines xaml
A dynamic ViewModel sample data generator library for .NET Universal Apps.
Bratched RatingControl is the most complete and free XAML control for displaying or editing ratings. Support personal colors, transparency, outline, editing mode, custom figures. Compatible with Windows WinRT, Universal Apps, Windows Phone 7.1, 8.0, 8.1
Pinbox is the ultimate tool to discover new apps. Its engaging way of showing new apps will provide you a unique experience that won’t allow you to do it in the traditional boring way again.
Xaml FlowDocument to PDF Converter
Includes Grafile sample xaml brush and drawingimage resources for WPF applications (Resource Dictionary only). Benefits of Grafile Image: Save Design Time; Save maintenance time; Get best resolution; Same Xaml image for all DPI and Resolutions; Application running faster with Ultra HD; Small...
Includes Grafile sample xaml brush and drawingimage resources for WPF applications (Resource Dictionary only). Light and dark themes for a professional look and feel. Benefits of Grafile Image: Save Design Time; Save maintenance time; Get best resolution; Same Xaml image for all DPI and Reso...
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. It's Portable Class Library. This package supports only CocosSharp engine.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. This package contains only UI Generator and Designer.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI library. This package supports only Xenko engine.
Provides MultiBinding functionality for Windows Phone 8.1(RT) projects. NOTE: This package is obsolete and no longer supported. Use WinRT Multibinding Universal ( package instead.
Provides MultiBinding functionality for Windows 8.1 projects. NOTE: This package is obsolete and no longer supported. Use WinRT Multibinding Universal ( package instead.
XAML Spy libraries for Android, iOS and Windows apps. Use this package if you need to connect to XAML Spy manually.
Rate Control for UWP Application
Writing a .NET Core library? Want to use native Windows Runtime APIs? This package is for you.