Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Package Description
C# bindings for MaterialEditText library.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Settings is a plug-in for reading and writing of platform-independent application settings.
A lightweight PCL framework that helps you develop MVVM Xamarin.Forms applications easily.
Supercharge your Crosslight.Android apps with 50+ Material components including Collapsible ToolBar, RecycleView with built-in Shared Transition and Swipe gesture, Parallax Header and much more. Supports Android API 21 or higher.
Xamarin plugin for Plot Projects. This library provides access to our geofence notification service.
A Xamarin binding by Lucas Teixeira for Charts (ios-charts) by Daniel Cohen Gindi, inspired by Philipp Jahoda.
A bag-randomizer based on the TGM randomizer for doing sort-of random numbers
This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin, which enables a handy use of AzurePushNotifications in your applications.
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework for Xamarin.Forms.RxUI
Upate control to Profile259
Portable class library for accessing the Dropbox v2 API specifically for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS to fix a depedency issue with the standard package. Bumps the minimum version of Microsoft.Bcl.Build to v1.0.21 and adds .Net standard 2.0 version of the library
SharpRavenPortable is the .NET Xamarin client for Sentry. ( and mailto: [email protected]
Standard API to set icon badge.
Crop Photos Plugin for Xamarin.
MobileChat is designed to be seamlessly integrated with your Android Xamarin app. It will make your app more valuable for your client as it's a convenient way to communicate without calling or emailing.
MobileChat is designed to be seamlessly integrated with your iOS Xamarin app. It will make your app more valuable for your client as it's a convenient way to communicate without calling or emailing.
You have some useful functions to sent to MobileCenter your message. This component knows the limitation of MobileCenter and helps you to avoid them.
Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that reduces the burden of login for your users, by enabling them to sign in with their Google account, the same account they already use with Gmail, Play, Google+, and other Google services.