Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy library, based on Plugin.BLE, for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Mac, UWP(Preview), .Net Core 3.x, Net5.x and .Net Framework 4.6.1+(Preview - Windows 10 only - WPF and Windows.Forms), TVOS(Preview) and WatchOS(Preview), Tizen(coming soon)
Interfaces for WPF navigation in MVVM application
Package to use ViewModel navigation in Xamarin.Forms MVVM application
Library for querying HealthKit at a higher-level of abstraction than HKStore.
Xamarin android binding library of AnchorBottomSheetBehavior.
Xamarin.Android Binding for CameraKit's JpegKit. Efficient JPEG operations for Android without the risk of an OutOfMemoryException
DanmakuFlameMaster binding lib for
Xam.GridView - This control useful to show the list of items in grid view. It’s fully implemented by xamarin.forms. It’s not depends on native UI. Features: - Load the list of items in grid view. - Pagination support - Virtual pagination support. - Pull To Refresh Support - Head...
Binding library to allow communication between .Net platform and IDTech iOS device drivers.
Pdfium Android bindings for Xamarin.Android
Cross-platform controls for Xamarin.Forms
Extensiones útiles para la plataforma Xamarin.Forms (páginas y elementos visuales).
Xamarin.Android Binding for koral--'s ReLinker (pl.droidsonroids.relinker), a robust native library loader for Android
Auto generated Xamarin.Forms UI from your Domain Models
Xamarin.Android binding library with AndroidX support - SlidingUpPanel
This package implements the parsing capabilities of the Scandit Data Capture SDK for Xamarin. It supports parsing a large number of different data formats.
A rating gateway which takes care of when to prompt the user to review your Xamarin application, by evaluating through a set of defined conditions each time a rating action is triggered by the user.
Untranslocator allows to get the original path from a translocated macOS app (App Translocation)