Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Add support for deep linking and indexing app content using Xamarin.Forms on the Android Platform
Avalonia is a cross-platform UI framework for .NET providing a flexible styling system and supporting a wide range of Operating Systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS and with experimental support for Android, iOS and WebAssembly.
This library provides a set of Xamarin.Forms classes for enterprise and MVVM development; includes markup extensions, behaviors, custom controls and abstractions for MVVM.
ACR Bluetooth LE Reactive Plugin for Xamarin and Windows Supported Platforms * .NET Standard * Android 4.3+ * iOS 7+ * tvOS * macOS * UWP
The Xablu Walkthrough plugin is a component that aims to simplify the cross-platform implementation of Walkthrough.
Makes it easy to create a beautiful about screen for your app.
Xamarin Forms UI effects. Release notes:
Shows a live feed from the camera plus point of interest objects in the specified Geo Locations.
Cross-platform library for image binarization
This component is to make scanning barcodes.
AppLinks is a Zebble implementation of facebook AppLinks. AppLinks is an open source and cross-platform library for linking mobile and web application. It is available for Android, iOS and UWP platforms.
A Zebble plugin that enables you to send or schedule native local notifications.
A plugin for using native sharing functionality in Zebble application
A port of ViewPagerIndicator for Xamarin.Android. A highly customizable indicator for ViewPager.
Google SignIn for Zebble (Xamarin)
LibVLCSharp is a cross-platform audio and video API for .NET platforms based on VideoLAN's LibVLC Library. It provides a comprehensive multimedia API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop to render video and output audio. Mono, .NET Framework and .NET Core runtimes are supported. This ...
Making App Development Easier with a collection of easy to use APIs for working with networking requests for .NET projects across Windows, Android, and iOS.
Aspose.Email for C++ is a native C++ library that enables C++ developers to create, manipulate and convert Outlook and other popular emailing file formats. The API is independent of Office Automation or MS Outlook, and doesn't need these to be installed on the server. The API can be used on Windows ...
Extended ContentView that Supports gestures like Long Press, Tap and Right Click. Also supports vibration on gesture detection.
A Xamarin wrapper binding for Azure Storage APIs - Blob, Queue, Table