Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Android platform specific code for DK.SQLite
Android platform specific code for DK.DeviceInformation
Parallax, Sticky Headers, Growing image heading, done right in one UICollectionViewLayout.
Librearía Core que contiene la estructura básica de ViewModels, Servicios, y Convertidores de SCV
NB! This package is deprecated, use LiveXAML instead LiveXAML allows for live UI reload in Xamarin Forms applications. This package is a runtime dependency, you also need to install Visual Studio extension.
Xamarin iOS binding library for RKNotificationHub
Custom UIViewController that slides scrollable content up from bottom of screen which covers the main content view on screen.
Validator helper for xamarin
logger helper for xamarin
Xamarin bindings to the native iOS Voice SDK including for all encrypting functionality of native sdk.
Xamarin binding for the InstaCapture library
Set application badge across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API. Ability to modify application badge value
Xamarin Android Binding Library for
Xamarin bindings to the native DGActivityIndicatorView, which is a great way to make loading spinners in your application look nicer. It contains 6 different indicator view styles. Inspired by:
SQLite .NET Standard Library - Beta Please clone this repo for samples: All platforms supported. Including -iOS -NET -Android -UWP
Xamarin library wrapping Cisco Spark RESTful APIs. published to be used by Xamarin developers since darrenparkinson sparkdotnet is incompatible with Xamarin PCL projects. Please visit the official Cisco developer portal at
[FIX]:android7 and ASTRO File Manager response. other platform use to "pt.Xamarin.Plugin.FilePicker". Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files from the filesystem (iCloud drive in case of iOS) and work with them.
Xamarin.iOS binding for OnePassword Extension
Xamarin Droid binding library for WheelPicker