Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Bindable Picker with ItemsSource, DisplayMemberBinding and SelectedItem as bindable properties
NView.Controls contains several controls for the cross platform user interface libary NView.
DownloadManager for Xamarin.Forms is a plugin for Xamarin.Forms allowing app do Downloads
Simple control to display images in popup dialogs
Custom image controls for your Xamarin.Forms. RoundedImage with customizable border radius, thickness and color. TintedImage with tint effect (iOS only for now). Built against:
A PCL implementation of Google Geocoding Api v3
A tiny FSharp and CSharp Rest server
Have a view bound to a view model in 40 seconds, if you are as quick as a gazelle, with the API at SmallestMvvm for Xamarin.Forms contains all of those artefacts that are necessary for the smallest implementation of MVVM and achieves ViewModel injection using page class decorations...
An extremely small and tiny (almost not there) MVVM library for Xamarin.Forms.
A sane wrapper over the Xamarin.InAppBilling library.
The MetaMedia extension makes it easy to take or choose images from your Android or iOS device. Photos taken will contain any metadata, such as exif data, that the source provides along with the current GPS position. The taken photos will be stored in the native camera / ima...
Android GridView with observable scroll events. Supports Android API v10 and above.
Utilities and Interfaces for Xamarin.Android.Observables With CacheFragmentStatePagerAdapter. Supports Android API v10 and above.
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to turn your images into elegant image carousel. Ensure you call ImageCarouselRenderer.Init() on each platform! Built against:
NUnit test runner for Xamarin Forms