Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Sample implementation for Repeater for Xamarin Forms.
PrettyDialog is a customizable equivalent of SCLAlertView in iOS.
Some common value converters for xamarin forms. BooleanToInvertedBoolean ; ByteArrayToImageSourceConverter ; EmptyStringToFillTextConverter ; HexStringToColorConverter ; NullValueToBooleanConverter ; TrimStringConverter
CodeBrix is a comprehensive rapid-application development (RAD) platform for quickly creating apps for iOS, Android and Windows (UWP); and is based on Xamarin.Forms and Prism.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Felix Soares' HorizontalBarGraph. An Android graph view library
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to create a label as hyperlink. With this plugin you can show a label as a hyperlink for your websites, phone numbers and mails. Available for Android and iOs Built against:
The android library that provides a simple and customizable NumberPicker styled as meter.
A files library for xamarin forms
A C# util library support .NET Framework2.0+ .NET Core2.0 .NET Standard2.0 and Xamarin.
Protobuf Serializer for Xeeny, A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable