Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

SquareRatingView Allows you to have a rating view with few important customisations.
Speed up your work with new Runtime Permissions introduced in Android 6.0 Marshmallow. This lib allows you to monitor permissions, check them in background and as well ask for a permission in easy way (callback).
PagerTabIndicator is a customisable android library that is designed to work with the ViewPager component.
A flexible bridge to the Universal Windows Platform. Simplify your cross-platform development.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Connectivity is a plug-in for platform-independent access to network connectivity.
Signed Xamarin Android Support Library - Transition assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
Easily have file system access from shared code using a common interface. Used by other plugins like JsonCache.
Support for running v2 tests on the UI thread
This package implements the Serialization provider contracts for serializers supported in full .NET 4.5 framework
This package implements the caching provider via the .NET 4.5 framework (Memory Cache, etc).
Dark Theme for Xamarin Forms applications
An Android library to create fully material designed bottom dialogs similar to the Android Pay app.
An android library to display a material-designed dialog with header.
MeterView is a simple android meter component. It can handle exceeding values also by redrawing the whole scale.
Customized and RoundedEditText.
Android library for progress component with coloured overlay. Don't forget to add "Mono.Android.Export" as reference.
Telegram and WhatsApp-like download progress indicator for Android
Xamarin.Android binding Library - Mapbox SdkServices
The mobile application Framework for Xamarin.