Top 20 NuGet xamarin.forms Packages

This plugin includes: Xamarin.EnableKeyboardEffect and SoftKeyboardService. More details see github:
This package includes a "no-frills" data grid that can be used in Xamarin Forms applications.
Add notches and corner radii to the Xamarin Forms previewer for speedy design time feedback about how your appp will look on various notched devices.
Regular Polygonal Frame for Xamarin Forms with rounded corners and shadows
This is a fork of the Microcharts repository for the MoneyFox project due to some blocking issues with the current package. Feel free to use this package and send PR's. We will do our best to create pull requests back to the main repository as soon as they have time again.
This is a fork of the Microcharts repository for the MoneyFox project due to some blocking issues with the current package. Feel free to use this package and send PR's. We will do our best to create pull requests back to the main repository as soon as they have time again.
Simple tools to help prevent reinventing the wheel.
This is a project that implements the Pub/Sub model in a decoupled architecture. It can be especially useful in situations where entities have there own life-cycle.
A Xamarin Forms binding of Yalantis's FoldingTabBar library
Access the native instance at runtime from any Xamarin.Forms Control or Layout . Downcast the UIKit.UIView received from iOSAsync on iOS and the Android.Views.View received from AndroidAsync on Android to it's specific native instances and change them.
Switcher UI Component
UI Component
Contains extensions similar to BindableLayout that adds autocomplete functionality to xamarin.forms Entry and SearchBar
This package provides a base class for implementing Popup Pages using the Rg.Plugins.Popup package with ReactiveUI.XamForms.
A swipe-enabled list view supporting custom template. Uses CollectionView
The tools provide components for MVVM architecture in Xamarin.Forms applications
Plugin OpenTok para Xamarin.Forms
This package will enable you to integrate curved bottom navigation view in xamarin forms with fab button for both Android and iOS.
Library to create simple charts such Horizontal Bar,Vertical Bar, Donut and Lines on Xamarin Forms.