Top 20 NuGet xamarin.forms Packages

Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms. Customizable border thickness, color, background colors and formats. Version 1.0.8 or lower Built against: Version 1.1.0 or above Built against:
Transfer voice input to text for Xamarin apps.
Updated to latest Xamarin.Forms and MSBuild.Sdk.Extras
A custom control for Xamarin.Forms that shows a before and after view.
A Xamarin.Forms custom control that shows either the background or a child view using an aperture-like mask. It is implemented exclusively in Xmarin.Forms and hence should run on all platforms where Xamarin.Forms is supported. Also, it is tiny. Would probably look great on watches :D
Cross platform API for taking/picking several pictures.
Linguist Xamarin.Forms extensions provide strongly typed resource localization, formatting and pluralization directly from XAML.
Add Validatable objects that leverage FluentValidation to your ViewModels for easy binding and validation in a .NET MVVM app!
Display toast notifications on Xamarin and Windows Platforms. Ensure you call ToastNotification.Init(); and register the dependency in each project. DependencyService.Register<ToastNotification>(); Read the full documentation on the projects page.
Util.Data_SQLite is SQLite common library for Xamarin.Forms
Plugin for Xamarin forms. Allows you to open any page as a popup. Release Notes:
Essential UI Kit for Xamarin Forms - Easy-to-Use
Simple framework that provides base classes for View and ViewModel in MVVM architectural pattern. Also you can display custom popups in a simple way on your view and use extensions methods and extended style for controls and layouts.
Lightweight cross platform WebView designed to leverage the native WebView components in Android, iOS, and Windows to provide enhanced functionality over the base control.
The tools provide components for MVVM architecture in Xamarin.Forms applications
Expandable view for Xamarin.Forms