Top 20 NuGet xamarin.ios Packages

MVVM framework for Xamarin.Native.
MVVM framework for Xamarin.Native.
Fancy carousel flow layout for UICollectionView. It comes with a paginated effect and it shrinks and makes transparent the side items
Pulsing CALayer for Xamarin.iOS. It comes with pulsing animation effect
Notify user when a new version of your app is available.
Xamarin.iOS.WeChat without payment
A GuestureLock library for Xamarin.Forms and for private usage.
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
Xamarin.iOS Binding Library - ARSPopover
Xamarin.iOS Binding Library - LFBadge
SVProgressHUD (and BTProgressHUD) is a clean and easy-to-use HUD meant to display the progress of an ongoing task. Updated with pull requests from official repository and a few other tweaks (updates visual assets, etc)
Extension that adds rounded corners to views in Xamarin.iOS apps.
A Xamarin iOS binding of Yalantis's FoldingTabBar library
Xamarin.iOS Binding Library - BaiduPush
This package provides you with managed FreeType2 on iOS
Xamarin iOS Binding Library - PayPal Utils
Xamarin iOS Binding Library - CardinalMobile
Xamarin iOS Binding Library - Braintree UIKit