Top 20 NuGet Packages

This is a Ninject MvxIoCProvider for MvvmCross.
A set tools provided by Caeno to ease development of Xamarin.Forms Applications.
Xamstrap for Xamarin.Forms is a toolkit to create a responsive layout for mobiles and tablets(Android/iOS).
Binding library of v1.0.1
ImageView and FrameLayout with gestures control
Simple color cross fade utility for Android. Supported types: RGB, ARGB, HSV, HSV (with alpha).
Easily crop and rotate image
BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper (BRVAH) library binding for Xamarin Android (
StatusBarUtil library binding for Xamarin Android (
An engine to generate Xamarin Binding projects from Maven repositories with a JSON config and razor templates.
Xamarin Binding Library - DiscreteScrollView
TheFinestArtist's Utils
OkHttp URLConnection
Take & Pick Photos Plugin for Xamarin Forms, Simple cross platform plugin to take photos or pick them from a gallery from shared code
XamLabs.Android.Onboarding provides an easy way to integrate an Onboarder in tour Xamarin Android Applications
A simple slider for images or view
Mock Data Framework helps you mock data for UI tests, without implementing mock classes. The framework simulates server for your application provides you unique data for every your unique http request.