Top 20 NuGet Packages

CircularPulsingButton for Xamarin.Android.
MagicButton now available on Xamarin.Android
This package contains a package that let you search in your application assemblies. This is a plugin for MvvmCross.
MusicView is library useful to play music app.
This is library help you create Swipe CardView .
Non-standard Extensions (utilities) to Xamarin-Auth (refresh-token)
Provides useful functions for Watch Face application development of Android Wear with Xamarin.
CHtmlTextView is an extended TextView component for Android, which can load HTML and converts it into Spannable for displaying it. It is a replacement for usage of the WebView component, which behaves strange on some Android versions, flickers while loading, etc.
Circle Menu is beatifully support for customizable round menu that can have 0 to 8 submenu buttons.
Android layout to show most common state templates like loading, empty, error etc. To do that all you need to is wrap the target area(view) with StatefulLayout.
A customisable Alert view is dynamically added to the Decor View of the Window, overlaying all content.
Toggle button which shows a happy face for checked or unhappy for unchecked.
Pinview library for android
PSmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displayes animated smileys as rating icon.
CookieBar is a lightweight library for showing a brief message at the top or bottom of the screen.
ProtractorView library for android. A semicircular seekbar view for selecting an angle from 0° to 180.
An easy-to-use customizable show case view with circular reveal animation.
Simple to use customizable Android Tooltips library based on PopupWindow. This Tooltips does not require any custom layout. It works as PopupWindow.
Easily create your company splash screen
This is a lightweight Image Cropper for Android which also supports no-crop feature.