Top 20 NuGet Packages

MvvmCross plugin to scan QR Code or barcode
Binding for Play Core library
MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the 'Core' libraries of MvxExtensions to use with Xamarin.Forms For more info check the documentation
MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the Droid.Support libraries of MvxExtensions For more info check the documentation
With WebRTC, you can add real-time communication capabilities to your application that works on top of an open standard.
Xamarin.Android Binding for CameraKit's JpegKit. Efficient JPEG operations for Android without the risk of an OutOfMemoryException
PayCards Android Binding library.
Xamarin.Android Binding for koral--'s ReLinker (pl.droidsonroids.relinker), a robust native library loader for Android
Xamarin.Android binding library with AndroidX support - SlidingUpPanel
Unofficial Xamarin.Android binding for Maps SDK for Android Utility Library
Xamarin.Android binding for barcode scanner library. Use guide at:
Handy extensions to the Google Maps Android API.
AutoLinkTextView for Xamarin Android
Enchanted label for Xamarin.Forms which allows you to style text within single label, using user-defined tags(ex. HTML-style tags).
An Xamarin.Android library help you create Bubble chat easy.
This light-weight library provides images with letter/text like the Gmail app. It extends the Drawable class thus can be used with existing/custom/network ImageView classes. Also included is a fluent interface for creating drawables and a customizable ColorGenerator.
Xamarin Binding Library - Stripe Android SDK
This light-weight library provides images with letter/text like the Gmail app. It extends the Drawable class thus can be used with existing/custom/network ImageView classes. Also included is a fluent interface for creating drawables and a customizable ColorGenerator.
Xamarin bindings for Interactive Media Ads
Xamarin.Android Binding Library - Fresco Core