Top 20 NuGet xactlib Packages

An XActLib assembly: a Library of code for working with Asp.NET Mvc v3 Framework
An XActLib assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Languages.JS.ClearScript
An XActLib assembly: a library to work with the essentials of DotNetZip.
An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with an DependencyInjectionContainer in an Mvc App
An XActLib assembly:providing persistence (using EF) to XAct.Services.IoC.StructureMap services.
An XAct Library Assembly: an Assembly that builds on the interfaces defined in XAct.Data, to provide RDBMS specific functionality.
An XActLib assembly: an Assembly that provides a Service to map Domain Entities to Client Layer Models, and/or Data Storage Entities.
An XActLib assembly:assembly containing a generic implementation of RulesEngine services and common interfaces.
An XActLib assembly: library for handling SMTP, etc.
An XActLib assembly: library of tools to initialize Unity using conventions.
An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Ninject
An XActLib assembly: the base class for functionality required on a web server.
An XActLib assembly: wrapper around ClearScript Javascript engine.
An XActLib assembly:providing persistence (using EF) to XAct.Security.Users services.
An XActLib assembly: provides EF persistence classes for XAct.Security.Session
An XActLib assembly:handles the interaction between Web Applications and XAct.Resources.
An XActLib assembly: library for working with Zip Packages (Compression + Structure). A poor man's Zip Solution, that requires no external assemblies beyond .NET. See DotNetZip for better functionality.
An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Resources.
An XActLib assembly: an assembly that builds on the interfaces defined in XAct.Security, in order to offer a Service implementation that wrap the basic *web* based Forms Authentication mechanism.