Top 20 NuGet writer Packages
CHIMP camera metadata writers API
CHIMP camera metadata base writers
A cross platform console enhancement library for .NET NetStandard core.
A logger for Forest that outputs to the console. Colorized output thanks to Texta.
CHIMP software metadata writer API
CHIMP JSON metadata writer
CHIMP .properties camera metadata writer
Read and write CSV files with a single line of code. Reads from files, streams, strings into lists, dictionaries, lists of objects and data tables. Writes from lists of objects or data tables to files, streams, and strings. Handles embedded commas, double quotes, escaped commas, and columns that spa...
Library for creating Excel Reports without having Excel Installed. Create Excel files from lists of objects, DataTables, and CSV with a single line of code. Intelligent default formatting with easy to use overrides.
Easily create reports from Word documents without having Microsoft Word installed. Simple search and replace plus the ability to insert images and tables. Intelligent default formatting with easy to use overrides.
Class library used to dynamically generate PDF documents.
Fielded Text Implementation (reader, writer, and meta creator/loader/saver). See for more information about Fielded Text.
This is test nuget package
This project helps you to read and write CSV (Comma Separated Values) files in your program.
Those files are legacy, but many developers still use them because of their readability and because every sheet-calculation program can perfectly edit them.
With the classes in this project you can read/...
This library is a simple CSV file parser. It uses attributes on classes that define which of the properties are used as CSV file columns.
A logger for Forest that outputs to the filesystem. Configurable output location. Split log files.
Monads (Maybe, Either, State, Reader, Writer) and monad combinators (Sequence, Sequence_, ReplicateM, ReplicateM_, MapM, MapM_, FoldM, FoldM_, ZipWithM, ZipWithM_, ForM, FilterM, LiftM, LiftM2, LiftM3, LiftM4, LiftM5, Join, When, Unless, Forever, Void, Ap, Compose, Guard, MFilter, MSum) in C#
Wrapper for reading and writing Excel files with ease using C#