Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages

LogWrapper.Log4net encapsulates log4net logging into an easy to use wrapper.
Cross platform wrapper of Yolo/Darknet (Real-Time Object Detection) for CSharp. Only GPU with CUDA computation available. Need OpenCVSharp-AnyCPU in the version For more information :
WeAreOne is a radio station family hosted in Germany. Probably the most famous radio station is the TechnoBase.FM, but there are 6 more: ClubTime.FM, CoreTime.FM, HardBase.FM, HouseTime.FM, TeaTime.FM and TranceBase.FM. With this library You can access all 7 radio's tracklist.
simplified Statsd-like wrapper for prometheus-net
A class library that allows you to load an MS Excel file using the EPPlus library into a collection of objects.
OMDB_API_Wrapper is an easy-to-use RESTful API wrapper/client for the Open Movie Database API ( This API wrapper focuses on being simple to use, efficient and respects the terminology used in the OMDB API documentation.
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with database connections (for Entity Framework Core)
An unofficial .NET API Wrapper for the Fortnite API (
Inject wrappers around unmockable objects. Use *Unmockable.Wrap* to wrap and *Unmockable.Intercept* to intercept calls to the unmockable object.
Intercept calls on wrappers around unmockable objects.
Add wrappers for all unmockable objects to the service collection.
WebP CLI wrapper
A .NET API Wrapper for Handles caching and API Rate limits.
An ASP.NET Core Model wrapper to take all the hard lifting away.
AspNetCoreCache is a ASP.NET Core cache wrapper for quick and effective cache usage. It deals with all the hard work for having sourced caches and a cache manager to make life easier.
A wrapper for OpenFDA data. Currently only supports Drug Label api.
A .NET API Wrapper for the Minehut API.
The bot filesystem - MongoDB Wrapper